Chromatic Harmonica 半音階口琴 - Harry Choi 蔡偉鏗
Violin 小提琴 - Kiann Chow 周止善
Duo Volce, top prize winner at the Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival, is a local chromatic harmonica and violin duo, formed by two young emerging musicians from Hong Kong, Harry Choi and Kiann Chow. In 2013, both were invited to perform in “HARMONICA – Chromatic Harmonica Gig 2013” at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA. The duo was officially named as Duo Volce in 2014. Since then, they have partnered with pianists Henry Shart, Zenan Kwan, Jonathan Law and Johnny Pun, featuring from Classical music, movie themes to Tango music, receiving high reviews on the uniqueness and refreshing playing style of the ensemble.
Duo Volce made its first overseas appearance at the 11th Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival, and the group was awarded the First Prize of the Original category. The group was also honored as the “Young Artists award” in the Youth Arts Festival organized by Hong Kong Playground Association. In 2022, invited by LCSD, “Duo Volce x Zenan Kwan” music production is broadcast at the Guangzhou Opera House as part of the HKSAR 25th Anniversary celebration series. In 2023, invited by the Hong Kong Harmonica Association, the group was featured at LCSD’s ‘18 d ART’ Community Arts Scheme, to promote the possibility and chemistry between the Chromatic Harmonica-Violin duo.
誼聲 為口琴小提琴二重奏組合,由兩位年輕活躍音樂家蔡偉鏗及周止善組成,為亞太口琴節創意組冠軍得主,曾獲香港遊樂場協會《青少年藝術家》名銜。
2013 年成立至今,從演繹古典樂、電影主題到探戈音樂,皆屢獲好評。誼聲積極參與 不同類型演出,曾應邀康樂及文化事務署,於《香港口琴新世代》及《口琴多元宇宙 音樂會》演繹多首改篇口琴小提琴加上鋼琴的作品,並多次於《香港花卉展覽》擔任 演出嘉賓。2022 年,獲康文署邀請,其《誼聲音樂室 X 關之藍音樂薈萃》節目於廣州 大劇院作線上播放,作為慶祝香港回歸 25 週年藝術展演之一。2023 年初,應邀香港口 琴協會,於康文署「十八有藝」社區演藝計劃《北區齊奏樂》舉行口琴社區音樂會, 推廣口琴小提琴音樂的可塑性。